Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Role of a Rose

Digging through a folder with old art I made when I was younger, I found a poem. This was made in 1991 and I even drew a pretty picture on it. So I guess the KHRpack poem wasn't my very first.

                                                            The Role of a Rose

                                 You don't have to send me expensive flowers.
                                 You don't have to say any inspiring words.

                                 Words that mean more than the precious hours of time,
                                  that slip away timelessly towards another world.

                                  It seems to me in my trembling soul,
                                 when you look me in the eye,
                                 I feel a cry.

                                 A cry that plays an important role,
                                 like the role of a single red rose.

                                 The cry of a precarious crime,
                                 of a stolen heart. 

                                 But only in a matter of time.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Health rant

To all those people who complain about obesity, time to scream out my frustration!!!


There are impoverished people whose kids are considered obese because the parents just really don't know WHAT to make, or have no time and energy. So they get easy premade stuff which isn't healthy. I know, because that is what I do and it is the norm for others in my class of people.


All you people who don't live check to check, and all you people who don't have to guess which bill to short so the mouths in the house can be fed, are the ones out there bellyaching about bad health in this country and blaming the parents. STOP judging without knowing all the facts. Many people don’t have college careers available. Many people have learning problems. Many have had some event or other strike, keeping them from higher goals. We are willing to learn. So instead of derision, think of teaching.  


People (the ones who can cook and love it even) swear it's cheaper and healthier to make things yourself then buy prepackaged processed foods. Great, so show me how!!! (Without a million and fifty steps per meal) and without charging us for this help. We obviously don’t have the money. That is the point of our buying cheap foods.


I have always wanted a site that would cater to helping people who just can't seem to learn cooking (I would be happier cleaning out the litter box with my bare hands...I hate cooking that much).

Fast, easy, UNCOMLICATED full healthy meals on a crazy teeny tiny budget. (Meaning I can't afford to pay any site for their services)

I have, what I believe, is a great idea for a site to help with this because I know I just can't possibly be the only person on our planet of over 7 BILLION people who need this kind of help. Are you interested? Do you need help or want to help?

If a site could be created and placed out there to target these people who CAN'T afford to pay for ANYTHING else, I believe THAT is how you would help reduce the obesity problem in our country.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


                                                             KHR Pack


Thick claws dig deep as the thunder of his heavy paws thrum across the broken ground, stirring the air.

The earthy scent wafts around him.


Sounds of deep chuffs puff from his powerful maw into the frozen night.

His lips curled to display his long distinct canines.


Tightly honed muscles bulge and flex beneath the dense blond fur covering his large body.

 Silver-blue moonlight dance over his rapidly moving form.


His constitution bleeds ardent purpose tenaciously through his veins.

His call, uncontainable.


He is the Alpha of the pack, of our pack.

The mournful howl he sings, directed towards the night’s sun, is our beacon.


Raising our voices ensuing, we echo through the air our loyalties.

Together we are strong.


Happy WolfWednesday Alpha.

Happy WolfWednesday packmates.